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Creating a Space for Young Adults in the Church - Yes, It Matters! | Berean Blog | Berean Baptist Church

Creating a Space for Young Adults in the Church - Yes, It Matters!

Young adulthood is a unique season of life. After high school, some go to college, some join the military, some start working full-time, some get married, and some pursue a different path altogether. It's an "in-between" season that is often met with a lot of questions and searching. Sadly, it is also during this season that many leave their faith because often churches no longer have a clear place where they "fit." As the Church, we have a critical role in walking alongside this generation, helping them find answers, equipping them in the faith, and giving them a place to belong. Molly Holper is a young adult at Berean and a member of the Young Adult Leadership Team who is passionate about seeing this generation find community and actively live out their faith. Read below as she talks about this need in the Church and how Berean is helping to bridge this gap!

by Molly Holper on February 21, 2023


"Young Adults"

Perhaps you've heard this phrase tossed around at our church every now and then. But have you ever wondered what the young adults are up to at Berean? Or, who even are the young adults? If so, you're not alone!

Young adulthood is a unique season of life.

Being a young adult (in your 20s and 30s) is a unique season of life. After high school, people branch off on their own – some go to college, some join the military, some start working full-time, some get married, and some pursue a different path altogether. Not everyone is in the same life stage anymore.

I imagine churches asking: "What do we do with these people?" Okay, maybe they don't use that language, but you know what I mean!


Young adults need resources and community. Is the Church bridging this gap?

Now more than ever, people are getting married later in life. In the 60s and 70s, churches didn’t have to provide resources for young adults, as they were most likely already married and connected to a married couples community. But our culture has changed.

We are now experiencing this longer 'in-between' season. And in this season, we are making decisions that will significantly impact the rest of our lives.

In this season, we are asking hard questions, such as these:

  • Who am I?
  • How do I find purpose?
  • Who should I date?
  • Who should I marry?
  • What career should I choose?
  • How should I steward my finances?
  • How do I live a pure life?
  • How do I stand up for Jesus and the gospel in my workplace?

Young adults need direction from God’s Word to live the abundant life that Jesus offers, but we need to be given a safe space to do this. We need the Church to walk alongside us.

Young adults are searching for purpose. We want to make a difference.

This generation (whether churched or unchurched) values authenticity, community, and a deep desire to know their purpose and make a difference in this world. We desperately want to live for something bigger than ourselves. Have you noticed this generation loves advocating for the causes they believe in?

It’s important for young adults who follow Jesus to advocate for the gospel more than anything, in the midst of a culture that wants nothing to do with God.

But in order for us to advocate and be ambassadors of Christ in this world, we need to know what the Bible says about the biggest questions we face in this stage of life.


There's a place for young adults at Berean!

The Berean Young Adult Leadership Team has seen the need and is dedicated to walking alongside young adults in this "in-between" stage of life to equip them to echo the life and character of Jesus in the everyday.

We are excited to share that Berean Young Adults has launched a large-group gathering called ECHO for young adults to gather every other Thursday night to worship, hear a relevant message, and grow in community.

The majority of the messages are topics relevant to young adults and based on biblical truth: relationships (friendships, dating, marriage), identity, purpose, stewarding resources, community, commitment, how to live life on mission, etc.

We are called to reach the world - that includes young adults!

We also desire for ECHO to be an evangelistic opportunity. It is a great way to invite those who would normally not go to a Sunday worship service, but who would instead be more comfortable attending a casual event with those their age.

ECHO marks a new chapter within the history of Berean Young Adults. We could not be more excited to see how God will use ECHO to equip followers of Jesus to live out their faith in this "in-between" season of life and as a way for nonbelievers to experience community and the relevance of the Bible to their lives. 

Let's pray for God to use this generation in a mighty way!

Did you know that Jesus’ disciples were all young adults? Better yet, Jesus was a young adult in his missionary years too! There is something about this season of life that is so special. I’m believing and praying for a revival in this generation for Jesus Christ. That our generation would believe the only thing worth advocating for is the One who brings death to life. And it can start with the young adults of Berean!

Find out more about Berean Young Adults:

Are you a young adult looking for community? We'd LOVE to have you join us!  Click the links below to learn more and get connected.

Young Adults | Echo

Tags: faith, jesus, purpose, minneapolis, st. paul, churches near me, post high school, churches in lakeville, young adults group, berean baptist church, churches in burnsville, churches in apple valley, find hope here, berean young adults, young adults ministry near me, young adults in the church, ages 18-29, in-between season of life, group for young adults, young adulthood, 20s group, community for young adults, why churches must create a space for young adults, the need for young adult ministries in the church, equipping young adults to be followers of jesus, young adults echo, twin cities young adults, adulting

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