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Give from a Generous Heart | Berean Blog | Berean Baptist Church

Give from a Generous Heart

by Tony Manning on May 21, 2020

Welcome to Take Ten at Ten with Pastor Tony!

Today Pastor Tony continues to share with us from his study of the book of Ruth.

Watch the Devotional

People Give for Different Reasons

We give gifts for different reasons:

  • Compulsion
  • Habit
  • Abundance
  • Generosity

Boaz Had a Generous Heart

Pastor Tony read from Ruth 2:18-23 ESV. Boaz chose to be generous toward Ruth, providing her with food and protection. Because of his gift, Ruth was able to give food to her mother-in-law, Naomi.

Pastor Tony was able to receive an unusually generous gift from a fourth-grade boy: the gift of time and insight. This boy had been hospitalized, and after he returned home, he had a "Zoom lunch" with Pastor Tony. The young man expressed his thanks for people's prayers, and when asked, said that those prayers would be just as meaningful if he were still in the hospital. He knew God was in control no matter if he was in the hospital or at home. During the pandemic, God continues to comfort us with the knowledge that he is here and he is in control.

What Motivates You?

Why are you giving what you're giving? What motivates you? As we give, give from a heart of generosity because God has freely given to us.

Tags: give, generosity, heart, gift, motivation

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