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How to be a Generous and Cheerful Giver during COVID-19 | Berean Blog | Berean Baptist Church

How to be a Generous and Cheerful Giver during COVID-19

by Tony Manning on March 20, 2020

Especially during these days of social distancing, it’s important that we as Christians are good neighbors to those in our church and in our community who might be in need. We will need to be creative in how we do that -- think outside of the box about how to connect with people while ensuring the health and safety of everyone.

Watch: A Video Message from Pastor Tony

Giving Always Starts with God

God is the supreme example of a giver. There isn’t a gift greater than the gift that God gave us: our salvation through the death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus.

When we claim Christ as our Savior and the Lord of our lives, we need to imitate him as well by being a generous giver. It is extremely anti-biblical, extremely anti-gospel to say that you and I can trust God with our souls for eternity but fail to trust God with our wallet. It’s a contradiction.

How can I trust him with my soul from here throughout eternity, but not trust him to meet my needs today and be a good steward of the resources he has given me? Either I trust him or I don't. The Lordship of Jesus in our lives is not just about eternity and the afterlife; it’s also about this life.

Jesus tells us:  

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly (John


Give from a glad heart. Not a guilty heart. Give out of what you have because God has given it to you, not because it’s expected of you.

It has nothing to do with the amount. It has everything to do with the heart. 

How to Practically Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus

How do we give away the gospel or our resources to be a blessing or encouragement to someone who is in need, either spiritually or physically?

Call someone to check in on how they are doing. Listen to their concerns and respond if you can. Sometimes, a listening ear can go a long way in helping someone process what they are feeling. Praying with someone, asking for God’s peace and comfort on their behalf, is also a powerful way to help calm them and show them the love of Jesus.

Find out about a neighbor’s physical needs by reaching out through a phone call, social media, or from a safe distance. If you’re able to meet those needs on your own by sharing what you have or running an errand, great! Do that.

Another option is to help connect our neighbors to Berean’s COVID-19 Response Team. This team of people is willing and able to respond to physical needs. They're standing by, ready to be deployed.

You can also give financially to a cause that is responding to COVID-19 needs because it takes financial resources to help in times of crisis. Helping fund organizations who are equipped to help is vital. Berean has set up a COVID-19 Response Fund for just this purpose. To GIVE to that fund go HERE.

Let’s Have the Same Mentality as the Good Samaritan

Let’s make an extra effort to take notice of our neighbors in need and respond by telling them, “What’s mine is yours if you need it.” This is an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus, meeting the emotional, physical, practical, and spiritual needs of our community.

Read the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37

Pastor Tony’s sermon - Through it All: Give it Away

Read this passage: 2 Corinthians 9

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Tags: generosity, good neighbor, lakeville, tony manning, burnsville, covid-19, through it all

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