Berean Blog

Jesus' Sinless Sacrifice Brings Salvation and Hope

by Tony Manning on April 02, 2020

Welcome to Berean's First Edition of Take 10 @ 10

While many of us stay at home per Governor Walz's order, we want to pause ten minutes to be refreshed and encouraged by God's Word.

Watch a Video Message from Pastor Tony

Gospel of Mark: Preparing for Easter

When Jesus stood before Pilate, he remained silent. However, the crowd loudly cried out that they wanted Jesus to be crucified. The religious leaders wanted Jesus to be crucified because they believed he had sinned, but he was sinless. Jesus could have saved himself, but then he would have sinned. Remember, Jesus' purpose was to live a sinless life and then become a sacrifice for sinful people, bringing salvation to all who believe.


  • There's a time to be silent and there's a time to be vocal. Jesus was silent when he was charged because he knew he came to be a sinless sacrifice. Now is not the time for Christians to be silent. We need to vocalize the hope we have because of Jesus' sinless life, sacrificial death, and resurrection.
  • Each of us needs a sinless Savior. This is a universal need.
  • There are some things we need to sacrifice so others experience the salvation God has to offer. We need to embrace this unique time in history to offer hope. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the people around us.

Reading to Prepare for Sunday, April 5

This Sunday we will conclude the series "Through It All." To prepare, please read and pray through 2 Corinthians 13:11-14.

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Tags: sacrifice, salvation, find hope, sinless savior, stayhomemn, shelter in place

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