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Practical Help for a Unique Time in History | Berean Blog | Berean Baptist Church

Practical Help for a Unique Time in History

by Dan Goldschmidt on April 20, 2020

Do you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing on 9/11/2001?

It is a collective memory seared into our brains forever. Although the attack happened almost 20 years ago, most of us can talk about it like it happened just yesterday. I think that life during the coronavirus pandemic will be a similar type of memory, seared into our brains forever.

While I am not suggesting that acts of terrorism or global pandemics are a good thing, it does have an impact on how parents relate with and teach their children.

Unique Situations Provide Unique Opportunities

We will be spending more time together as families than in any other situation. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to do things you normally don't have time to do:

  • Play games
  • Watch movies
  • Engage in a Bible study
  • Start and complete a project as a family
  • Start spring cleaning

There are so many unique opportunities to enjoy time together as a family that we normally don't have.

Unique Situations Are Memorable

Routines are forgettable and disruption is memorable.

  • Use this disruption in your schedule to focus on learning more about God, the Bible, and the Christian faith.
  • Address anxiety, fear, or depression that arises out of this situation and point family members to Christ in a way that is memorable. Spend some time learning about how God helps us overcome fear and anxiety.
  • Spend some time digging into a few difficult questions about the life God calls us to.
  • Instill unforgettable faith in your family members.

Unique Situations Are Stressful

Even though there is a lot of good that can come out of disruption, it can also be very stressful. While I would encourage patience and grace through this time, I would also keep a watchful eye on your family's emotional and mental health.

Gen Z already has the highest levels of anxiety and depression we have ever seen in a generation. The stress of disruption like COVID-19 can exacerbate that. Pay attention to what your family knows and how they are interacting with it. Be willing and able to talk them through what life looks like and what is happening.

Embrace this opportunity to spend time with your family. Engage with your faith and family in new and unique ways.

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Tags: opportunity, help, memory, memorable, pandemic, disruption, quarantine, lakeville, burnsville

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