Family Ministry Blog

How to Shine Bright to Others

by Dusty Decker on September 14, 2020

Recently, I had the privilege of traveling to central Illinois to play in a national disc golf tournament. While many people may not know about disc golf (think golf with frisbees), it happens to be one of the largest growing sports in the last few years. At this tournament, there were over fifteen hundred disc golfers coming together to have fun and enjoy this unique sport. Throughout the three-day tournament, I was paired with players from all walks of life.

On Saturday I encountered the most unique round of disc golf, I had ever experienced. I played with two guys named Ian and Troy, who were both deaf. While we had a blast and they were great guys and great golfers, I noticed myself being way more conscious of my facial expressions, hand movements in communication, and reactions. Not knowing sign language and without sound to help me portray myself to Ian and Troy, I had to let my demeanor and actions do the talking.

What Message are You Sending?

Have you ever wondered what message your demeanor and actions portray to those around you? What do they say about you to your friends and family?

His Face Said It All

In Exodus 34, Moses had gone up on to Mt. Sanai a second time to spend time with God and get a new pair of tablets with God’s instructions written on them. Moses spent over 40 days and forty nights with God, and the Bible says that God even let Moses look upon his glory.

What's unique is what happened when Moses comes back down from the mountain to see his people. Verse 29 says,

Because Moses had spent such an intimate time with God, his face shone with the glory of God. I find it funny that Moses didn’t even know. It took the others seeing him and pointing out the bright reflection of God for Moses to be aware of the reflection he was putting off.

How to Send the Right Non-verbal Message

When we are with our families, coworkers, or neighbors, sometimes we don’t even know that we are reflecting a portrait of ourselves and our souls to others.

The nonverbal communication that comes from our actions and demeanor reflects who we are following and spending time with.

If we truly want others to see Christ, even when we don’t use words, we must make sure we are spending intimate time with God. Through that one-on-one time, his nature and love will reflect and exude through us to others naturally.

Shine Bright

So, next time you are worried about what others see in you and if they will think you are Christ-like or not, remember that if you are spending the intimate time with God that he desires, there will be no question. You will naturally shine with the glory of God.

Tags: family ministry, churches in lakeville, berean baptist church, churches in burnsville, shine bright to others, what your demeanor says about you, speding time with god

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