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I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you... | Family Ministry Blog | Berean Baptist Church

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you...

by Ben Holden on August 11, 2021

My Wish for My Children

We have a lot of desires for our kids. I remember holding each of my newborn daughters in the hospital and thinking about what their life would be like and the hopes I had for them. Every parent could easily put together a top ten list of what they want for their children's lives: experiences, character traits, accomplishments, future careers, etc.

It's easy to think about educational goals, a future spouse and family, success in athletics, and well-rounded life. We want them to see things, experience things, and excel in each of their endeavors. That top ten list would include something involving their faith in Jesus or their spiritual lives for most of us. As a Christian I want each of my daughters to know and love Jesus. My hope and prayer is that they place their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation and place Him as Lord and Savior of their lives. The question is, in order of priority, where would this desire land on our list?

A Challenge For How to Live

In Ephesians chapter 4 Paul addresses the issue of unity with the Body of Christ and living out a life of faith. He has spent the first three chapters fleshing out the realities of the gospel. He has shown them the high position that they now have in Christ. The last three chapters are spent on the resulting implications and how to practically practice living in light of this truth. He exhorts them to walk in a manner worthy of who we are in Christ and what we have been called to. That makes the start of chapter 4 a pivot point. He transitions from doctrine and the details of the gospel to challenging them how to live. How he makes this transition in Ephesians 4:1 is very interesting:

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called.

The Urgent Message

Did you catch it? Right smack in the middle of this letter, he mentions that he is a prisoner for the Lord. Why did he do this? Why does he mention being a prisoner as he makes this transition? He was a prisoner in Rome because of his faith in Jesus when he wrote this letter. So why does he mention it now at this transitional point? I think the next word he uses gives some critical understanding: "urge".

Paul has just finished laying out the gospel and what that means for the oneness of Jews and Gentiles. In other words, Ephesians, this is what the gospel says about who you are and that there is no longer a difference between you. Everyone now has access to God and salvation through Jesus Christ. Therefore... Next, he takes on the endeavor of challenging them with what this means and how they are to act. He starts with what is most important and to do this, he puts some weight behind what he is about to say.

Paul reminds the Ephesians that he is in prison for the very beliefs that he is writing to them about. This isn't just something he feels strongly about. He has put his life and freedoms on the line for these very things and willingly sacrifices for them. "Ephesians, I am serious about this! This is of the utmost importance! You can know this because I have put my life on the line and gone to the greatest lengths of sacrifice for what I am about to say."

Paul wants them to know how serious he is. He 'urges' them with a high level of intensity. This is the top priority on his top ten list that he needs them to hear, know, understand, and do.

Priority One: Teaching Kids to Follow Jesus

Parents, the application here is simple. The most important responsibility you have in parenting your children is their evangelism and discipleship.  Sure, we want our kids to grow up to be successful, well-rounded, mature adults. We want them to have a bright future. But none of this matters if they don't have a firm grasp of who God is and place their faith in Jesus.

Therefore, this should be what gets your greatest effort! Think about how you are ordering your family life. What would someone looking in from the outside say is at the top of your list?

Let me encourage all of us to take this seriously and to practically live out the call God has placed on us to evangelize and disciple our children in light of the realities of the gospel. There is nothing that your children need more than your maximum effort in this area.

Paul made himself clear as to the importance of what he was teaching them. Our call is to have this same urgency with the spiritual leadership of our children.

Tags: discipleship, parenting, raising kids in the faith, ephesians, apostle paul, churches in lakeville, churches in burnsville, churches in apple valley, teaching kids to follow jesus

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