The home is the best and most powerful context for teaching and modeling true character. Not the schools. Not the sports team. Not the media. Parents, we have the opportunity to impact future generations by raising up champions who will stand for true justice in a culture that is confused and often cruel. Like “arrows in the hand of a warrior,” we can launch our children and students into a future where we will not be going. It’s essential that we not be intimidated into silence or compromise.
Before we get started, I must acknowledge that almost every significant word I’m going to write will require a definition. Our daily inundation in redefined words makes it almost impossible to make a straightforward, simple statement. However, that should not discourage us as parents from being purposeful and clear about how we want to disciple our children. Let’s use good words with their intended definitions to seize the day.
What is true justice?
We want to develop in our children a robust and clear sense of justice. But this justice must be a biblical justice. It does not favor a particular group or excuse the use of prejudice and intimidation in the name of “social” justice, which is often an excuse for retribution. True justice acknowledges the wrongs of the past and loathes to repeat them. True justice does not favor the poor, nor the rich. It looks to the truth, facts, and good, old, plain honesty.
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.
(Micah 6:8)
This kind of justice taught through the events, conflicts, and character tests that recur in the everyday life of the home will expand to the broader social spheres as children mature. When wrongs are committed in the home, the wise parent teaches accountability, responsibility, repentance, and restoration. This is grace and truth instilled over the kitchen table, or through legitimate consequences proportional to the offense. Justice is caught as well as taught.
True justice will embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion - good words that have become a cottage industry to instruct corporate America and its schools about what should be basic morality. Your home can teach this as a natural outflow of a biblical worldview.
True diversity teaches that every human being is worthy of respect, safety, and welcome because each one is fashioned in the image of God.
This core and basic theology modeled in the home eviscerates the infections of racism, classism, and sexism. Diversity is the most essential assumption of the Great Commission, which welcomes every tribe and nation into the family of God. True equity is the DNA of basic fairness and the universal demand of God’s system of justice throughout the Bible. And inclusion is not forced by coercion, threat, or more affirmative action mandates. It is written on the heart that sees all people through the lens of God’s love and their inherent worth.
None of this is meant to sound easy or simplistic. But the hope of the world is the making of more and deeper disciples of Jesus Christ in our homes.
One person with character and a true sense of justice (who starts out as a child in a home) can make a huge difference in the trajectory of a company, a government, or a family in the future.
How can we model justice in the home?
There are some simple and powerful things taught in the home that will prepare your child as a champion for justice in the world:
- Train the conscience of each child. Sin, confession, and repentance are no strangers to the daily conflict of wills and desires in the home. Use disobedience to show consequences, but shower the process with forgiveness and grace. Teach respect for others’ bodies, property, and time. Use truthful and respectful language. Model generosity and kindness to strangers and neighbors.
- Teach that disagreement is not hate, and discipline is not rejection.
- Talk and model a holistic pro-life stance that treasures every life.
- Read biographies and stories that extoll other ethnicities and their accomplishments.
- Open your home for play dates and sleepovers for your child’s classmates.
- Teach and model World Missions by taking your family on a short-term mission trip.
- Host an international student.
- Serve together.
Start teaching your children today!
Someone said: “The home is where life makes up its mind.” While the clay is soft and moldable, use your influence and the multiple opportunities of daily life to shape a child’s life that bends toward justice for our hurting world.