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Recommended Resource: Full Circle Parenting | Family Ministry Blog | Berean Baptist Church

Recommended Resource: Full Circle Parenting

by Ben Holden on July 23, 2021

Today we recommend a new parenting resource to you: Full Circle Parenting: A Gide for Crucial Conversations by Jimmy and Kristin Scroggins. Jimmy Scroggins is the Lead Pastor of Family Church in West Palm Beach, FL. He is also the creator of the Three Circles gospel tool. Berean is blessed to have a good relationship with Jimmy and Family Church.

Full Circle Parenting is a new book that helps parents have hard but crucial conversations with their kids. Each chapter provides insight on a different subject and gives a simple guide on how to navigate a gospel-centered conversation in that area with your child. The book is filled with stories from Jimmy and Kristin's family and the experiences they have had with their own eight children.

What we appreciate about the book:

  • A humility in how they handle each subject and the advice that they give.

  • A continued emphasis on God's design and the gospel.

  • Practical advice on key topics facing kids and parents today.

  • Simple conversations guides for each topic.

Key insights from the book:

  • Chapter: Children are Complex - Build a network of adults and mentors to speak into your kid's lives.

  • Chapter: Technology - The parents' task is to manage technology in our families so that we maximize healthy connection and productivity while minimizing temptation and poor stewardship of time.

  • Chapter: Bitterness, Forgiveness, and Restoration - Parents need to model repentance and forgiveness toward their children.

We highly recommend Full Circle Parenting to you. It is an easy read but is packed with practical insights. it will lead you to healthy and necessary conversations with your kids.

Tags: parenting, family resources, raising kids in the faith, churches in lakeville, churches in burnsville, churches in apple valley, jimmy and kristin scroggins

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