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Teaching Your Kids the Bible | Family Ministry Blog | Berean Baptist Church

Teaching Your Kids the Bible

by Ben Holden on July 14, 2021

One of our greatest tasks in the discipleship of our children is to teach them the Bible. We want them to understand what it is, who it is from, what story it tells, and how God intends it to be used in our lives.  This can be an intimidating feet! It doesn't have to be though. Jason Helopoulous offers some incredibly helpful tips to parents on how to model reading the Bible and helping our kids learn what it is and how to use it.

Helopoulos writes:

"The goal isn’t for them to win a Bible quiz contest or look the best in Sunday school. We long for them to cherish Christ as we do. Yet, we can’t force it. We can’t make it so. We can’t guarantee it. All we can do is teach what we know in the best way we know how and leave their souls in the hands of our trustworthy Father."

Help! I Don’t Know How to Teach My Kids the Bible by Jason Helopoulos

Tags: bible, parenting

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