Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE to plan ahead. In fact, my summer vacation was all planned out by the end of March. Reservations made. Housing set in place. Each day to hold its own excitement!
But sometimes God changes our plans . . .
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to cut our vacation time in half at the last minute. I was crushed, but I knew that being a part of Berean’s Summer Blast was now a real possibility. So, I reached out to our coordinator. Within a day, I was all set to volunteer and my kids were signed up to participate.
I got to witness a first grader hear about Jesus for the first time.
Her heart was open to hearing the words of the gospel. What a beautiful image of a child listening to the story of God’s plan of salvation FOR THE FIRST TIME!
Once the evening was finished and parents were arriving, C asked to go back to the supply bin and pull out the Bible again. I could see God drawing her to himself. While she was studying the pictures in the Bible and asking some questions, I could see the start of a simple trust forming within her heart.
I got to see God transforming a little one's heart.
The next evening, C could not get to the Bible fast enough. She immediately turned to an image of David and Goliath and we talked about the story - a boy close to her age defeating a giant boasting twice David’s size and strength! God was using this story to show her his might and to recognize how this young boy trusted in God for his victory.
As the Bible stories and images were once again captivating C’s attention during our small group time, I thought she might like to take a Bible home with her. I recalled how Berean gives Bibles to those in first grade, and I asked our Room Lead if we could get C a Bible of her own. When she received the Bible, her face lit up. She hugged the Bible that was now hers to keep! She excitedly held out the Bible for her teachers to see and talked about her new Bible on the way home.
On the final evening of Summer Blast, I was thrilled to see that C’s parents came to Family Night. Her parents shared how they had several conversations about stories in the Bible and had even begun reading more stories from C's new Bible.
What an unforgettable week to see how God spoke to C’s heart through his powerful Word. The simple truths she encountered for the very first time during Summer Blast are prayerfully only the beginning for her and her family. How awesome that C’s journey of discovering the truths in God’s Word can now continue at home.
You never know how God will use his Word in the heart of a child.
Here in Berean Kids, we desire to come alongside parents in equipping them to lead their children in the way they should go. Berean Kids is delighted to give all children entering first grade their very own Bible during our First Grade Bible Celebration later this month.
So, why should we read the Bible to our children? Because reading God’s Word provides a shining light for their path in a world corrupted by darkness.
The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple (Psalm 119:130).