What's Happening in BK: March 10-16

Wednesday (Grade K - 5)
6:30 - 8:00 pm

Wednesday Schedule: January - May

This month's theme is I Am Meant to Know God with the lesson "I Can Trust in God" from Genesis 12 & 15. Kids will learn about Abram, who is later called Abraham. God made a special promise to Abram, and God kept his promise. We can know and trust in God because he is trustworthy, true, and always keeps his promises.

Unit Memory Verse: "A person's heart plans his ways, but the Lord determines his steps" (Proverbs 16:9).

Wednesday's Café Meal: This Wednesday night's menu options include a chicken parmesan sandwich served with roasted veggies, baked potato soup, chicken strips, crispy chicken garden salad, dinner salad, deli sandwiches, pizza, nachos, and pretzels. The Berean Café is open from 5:15 - 6:30 pm.

Sunday (Birth - Grade 5)
9 AM & 11 AM

Sunday Morning Schedule: January - May

This month's theme is Jesus Cares About Us with the lesson "Parable of the Rich Fool" from Luke 12:13-21. Kids will learn about when Jesus warned against greed and told a parable about a rich man with surplus crops. The man decided to build bigger barns to store his excess, planning a life of ease. But God called him a fool, saying his life would end that night. Jesus emphasized the importance of being rich toward God, not just accumulating earthly possessions. He urged people to prioritize heavenly treasures and generosity toward the needy, teaching that one's heart follows where their treasure is stored.   

Unit Memory Verse: "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7).

Parent Prep

Stop by the Parent Central wall to get all the BK news and handouts! To read more about the curriculum we are using, click HERE.

Berean Kids News

*Parent Strong Class: March 19 & 23:
"Shaping a Christian Worldview With Your Children"
Wed., March 19 (6:30 PM - Room 116) OR Sun., March 23 (11 AM - Room 115)
Our culture is changing and shifting around us at a rapid pace, and your kids are right in the middle of it. This is why it is important to have a strong foundation - a framework - through which we can understand the world and how we are to live in it as Christ-followers. This class, for parents of all ages, will examine various worldviews and how seeing life through a biblical lens is foundational to a life with Christ. We will give you vital information and hopefully help inspire you to teach your children the importance of a biblical worldview

*Do you use the Church Center App to pre-check your kids in for BK programming? If not, you should!
1. You don't need to remember the last four digits of your phone number. Just scan the QR code!
2. After you scan the QR code, your pick-up tag is automatically saved to the app! Unless you misplace your phone (which we hope you don't), you will always have the pick-up tag with you!

For more info, stop by the Connect Wall or visit bereanmn.com/app. To make the process faster at the BK desk, be sure to use the Berean Kids WiFi when you get to church: Name: Berean Kids | Password: Checkin!

*Save Those Rolls! Beginning on Sunday, March 16, we will be collecting empty toilet and paper towel rolls for VBS! There will be a bin next to the Parent Central Wall where you can drop off rolls. The bin will be there until we collect enough (how long do you think it will take?). Thanks for your help.

*Berean Kids is Hiring! Find all the details HERE.

*Want to Serve in Berean Kids? Email Nicole ( ) to get started!

*In Case You Missed It: Looking for a previous announcement or information about something? Click HERE for past Berean Kids' news and information that is still relevant. 

*Child Dedication & Baptism: 
Want more information about Baptism? Click HERE.
Want more information about Child Dedication? Click HERE.

Calendar of Events

*Saturday, April 19 | 4 PM Easter Service | Age 0-Preschool
*Sunday, April 20 | 9 AM Easter Service | Age 0-Preschool | No 11 AM Programming
*June 23 - 26 | VBS
