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Archive: Sermon Study Guides

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Son of Man: The Gospel of Mark
Son of Man: The Gospel of Mark

Who is Jesus, and what relevance does he have for today? Why did he come, and what did he accomplish? As we wrestle through these and other questions, we'll look at one of the four biblical Gospels – The Gospel of Mark. By coming face to face with the historical Jesus of the Bible, we’ll find answers and the life-changing implications of the good news of Jesus Christ.

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Easter 2024
Easter 2024
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God's Son: The Gospel of Mark

Who is Jesus, and what relevance does he have for today? Why did he come, and what did he accomplish? As we wrestle through these and other questions, we'll look at one of the four biblical Gospels – The Gospel of Mark. By coming face to face with the historical Jesus of the Bible, we’ll find answers and the life-changing implications of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

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Christmas 2023
Christmas 2023

Those Christmas carols. It seems they've already been playing for months. You might be tempted to tune them out, but did you know that the first Christmas two thousand years ago featured songs as well? This season, we invite you to embrace the music as we explore the beauty and significance of two specific and personal songs from that very first Christmas. 

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195 Missions Conference
195 Missions Conference

Jesus told his followers to “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15). Involvement in this global mission is not optional: Every Christ-follower has a role to play. Every time you step outside your home, you're on the mission field, and God has put you in this time and place for a reason. Learn more about what God is doing around the world and how you can get involved!

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Habakkuk: Trusting God in the Waiting
Habakkuk: Trusting God in the Waiting

Why do the answers not come? Is God just silent? We look at our world today and the events of our lives and struggle to make sense of it all. In our study of Habakkuk, we'll see that we're not the first of God's people to wrestle in this way. In this sermon series, we'll discover that God is always working and moving. He is always speaking, even when we struggle to take notice.

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Please note that sermon guides have been discontinued. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Adult Ministries Pastor here.
